The amount of information residing within email is growing by the day. Every day, employees are sending and receiving hundreds of important project and client emails, a lot of which contains sensitive or commercial information.
This information is essentially data, all of which can be used against you in the future. Whether that is a court dispute or a data protection violation. Unmanaged email represents potentially hundreds of silos of data that have no oversight over them at all. That means nobody is checking if they are breaking any regulations or rules, or if people are leaving commercially sensitive information locked within local inboxes. This is particularly important when someone leaves the business, as this data needs to be managed.
Additionally, emails need to be managed in a secure and controlled manner, with strong privacy protocols and security controls. Ideagen Mail Manager doesn't host any data and maps to our customers' existing security infrastructure, meaning emails are filed where the customer wants, and nobody can see sensitive information if they don't have access to.