Westbound uses a bespoke freight system to manage invoices and delivery notes, but email is the primary method of communication. The company can often have queries open for up to eighteen months, and they will usually need to retrieve binding agreements or attachments from email. Until recently, they had relied on the search tool in Outlook but have found it almost impossible to find anything past six months. This has resulted in the firm incurring unnecessary costs.
In addition, the business suffered disruptions from not being able to access important information trapped in inboxes during a staff absence or after an employee had left the company. This would often have a knock-on effect on the business's daily operations.
Westbound heavily depends on the service they receive from its suppliers, so maintaining strong relationships is paramount to remaining competitive in the market. Understandably disputes and misunderstandings arise, and they need to be dealt with quickly to protect key relationships and Westbound’s reputation. Before implementing Mail Manager, Westbound had paid out costs due to the inability to locate proof of previous payments hidden in legacy emails. Evaluating their current system and the frequency of these issues, calculating the costs to date and the predicted future costs, Westbound knew they needed to assess their current system and find a solution. The business needed something fast and reliable that would also support the additional data requirements that would result from their continued growth.