Ramboll works on a large range of projects across their offices daily, with teams scattered strategically to meet the needs of their clients.
Before Mail Manager was initially introduced to the business in 2009, Ramboll’s project email management process was manual and time-consuming. This introduced a fundamental challenge in regards to efficiency, consistency and productivity for their projects.
Whilst their global offices were not working on projects together as such, each project had numerous members and they found that there was inconsistency in having access to all project emails. Either emails were not being filed centrally or simply were being locked in people’s inboxes.
A particular project member realised that something had to be done, and the first step in doing this was to introduce a central way of filing and searching for emails. Ramboll was overwhelmed with important project information. They needed to implement an email management tool fast.
As with other software procurement within the company, the individual project member went to the market to see what offerings were available. They then drew up a shortlist of potential solutions that would be able to help them. Mail Manager was a strong contender.
Mail Manager was vigorously tried and tested for a particular project. It was quickly identified as a tool that could introduce consistency across Ramboll, whilst also reducing risk the company was exposed to in regards to compliance.
Shortly after identifying Mail Manager, a business case was built, highlighting its ease of implementation, affordability and potential benefits to the company. Both the procurement team and champion users agreed to proceed with the software.