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“Software comes and goes within Ramboll, but there has never been a substitute for Mail Manager.”

Abhinav Singh, Global Procurement Consultant


Industry: Consultant Engineering

Location: Global

Market: International

Website: https://uk.ramboll.com/

Four key benefits
  • Mail Manager saved a significant amount of time for staff, especially for their project members and managers - 3 hours per person per week.
  • Mail Manager’s ease of use is a benefit for a company of such a large scale.
  • Mail Manager has hugely improved Ramboll’s efficiency and productivity across its projects.
  • They envisage compliance and regulation management to be improved.

The background

Ramboll is a world leading engineering, consultancy and design company. Being founded in Denmark in 1945, the business has now more than 15,000 experts globally.

Ramboll has strong representation across the world, particularly in the Nordics, America, India and the UK. This allows the company to pride itself in not just making a difference to its clients but also its employees, the environment and society as a whole.

These locations allow them to cover a broad range of markets such as Transport, Buildings, Environment & Health, and Restoration.

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Ramboll works on a large range of projects across their offices daily, with teams scattered strategically to meet the needs of their clients.

Before Mail Manager was initially introduced to the business in 2009, Ramboll’s project email management process was manual and time-consuming. This introduced a fundamental challenge in regards to efficiency, consistency and productivity for their projects.

Whilst their global offices were not working on projects together as such, each project had numerous members and they found that there was inconsistency in having access to all project emails. Either emails were not being filed centrally or simply were being locked in people’s inboxes.

A particular project member realised that something had to be done, and the first step in doing this was to introduce a central way of filing and searching for emails. Ramboll was overwhelmed with important project information. They needed to implement an email management tool fast.

As with other software procurement within the company, the individual project member went to the market to see what offerings were available. They then drew up a shortlist of potential solutions that would be able to help them. Mail Manager was a strong contender.

Mail Manager was vigorously tried and tested for a particular project. It was quickly identified as a tool that could introduce consistency across Ramboll, whilst also reducing risk the company was exposed to in regards to compliance.

Shortly after identifying Mail Manager, a business case was built, highlighting its ease of implementation, affordability and potential benefits to the company. Both the procurement team and champion users agreed to proceed with the software.

The solution

Mail Manager is now being used heavily across a number of Ramboll’s global offices including the UK, Sweden, America, and Australia. As the solution has developed over its ten years at Ramboll, it has simply become a way of life at the company, and everyone is now filing their project emails both consistently and centrally.

They have found having access to all important project correspondence in a central location invaluable. Especially in recent years where compliance and GDPR have become pressing matters. Knowing there is 100% certainty that all project emails will be available is something they cannot live without.

Finding such evidence before would have taken days or weeks of IT resource, that’s assuming they could have found it at all, but with the help of Mail Manager’s powerful search, takes less than two seconds.

Mail Manager is a tool that can quickly become enviable, especially when parts of a business who are not using Mail Manager see the benefits from it. This has happened within Ramboll, where in the last year, two sites have implemented the add-in.

“I have never heard one bad thing about Mail Manager.”

Abhinav Singh, Global Procurement Consultant
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